5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year!! The fireworks ignited, the champagne bubbled, Adam and Laura shouted with joy and gave each other a great big smooch, excited for the New Year to come. Little did they know that 2011 would be an epic year full of multiple lifetime memorable events. Just ten days into the New Year, the […]

3 Weeks Old and Loving It!
Last week Adalyse got to decorate pumpkins, dress up for Halloween with her mommy and daddy as they handed out candy to 3 trick-0-treaters…(sad I know), stay at home with daddy while mommy went to the store by herself, go for walks in the baby bjourn, eat from her first bottle with daddy (and a […]

VZ Photography Professional Pictures – Adalyse – 2 Weeks Old
One of our friends and neighbors is a professional photographer. He came to our house and setup all his lighting and stuff in Adalyse’s nursery. It was cool to be able to use the nursery like that and get some great shots. Thanks John and Robin for the great shots – to view more of […]

Bella Baby Professional Photo Shoot – 1 Day Old
One of the cool things they do at SkyRidge is have a contract with Bella Baby photography. Bella Baby comes into your room (if you want) when your baby is 1 day old and takes pictures. We got very fortunate and they happened to come when Adalyse was at a very alert state and we […]

Daddy’s Cutie is a week old!
Today, October 21st 2011, our little girl is a week old! She has already experienced so many first experiences ranging from the first drive home, bath, family walk, birthday party, eating out at a restaurant and more. She is such a bundle of joy and we look forward to a lifetime of adventures!

Husband and Soon-to-be-Daddy of the year
There is always talk about the soon-to-be mommy nesting but never have I heard much about the soon-to-be daddy nesting. Adam has been an amazingly supportive and helpful husband! He is my dream husband come true! I love this man, but that amount of love is so outstanding that there are no words to […]

Childbirth Classes Are A Must!
This evening Adam and I completed our second of four childbirth classes. Over four weeks from 6-9pm we will meet with 10 other couples and learn about what happens during labor mentally and physically. We will and have already learned techniques for pain management, to prolong and diffuse pain for as long as possible, tour the hospital, and […]

Denver Baby Shower at Aunt Gail’s
Had a blast at Aunt Gail’s today with so many wonderful friends and family members for the Denver Baby Shower.

32 Week Appointment Already…
Today, being the second day of school after a short summer break (ugh), Adam picked me up from school at 2:40 to go to our 2:50 appointment off of Arapahoe and Holly (my school is near Smokyhill and Buckley)….oops! Luckily my super hero-like husband has some speed racing skills and got us to the clinic […]